Monday, October 5, 2009


As a public service announcement, I want you all to know that going to an out of town wedding and spending two nights dancing and drinking IS NOT GOOD FOR A HEAD COLD.

I am soooooo tired.

On the other hand, I did enjoy dancing. For about an hour at the wedding reception, on the dance floor were ten or fifteen pretty women and me dancing. One bridesmaid commented that I was really cool, since I was the only boy out there dancing. I burst out laughing, of course.

Seriously, though, boys, men, sissies, whatever, if you are a genetic male, regardless of anything else, get out there and dance! The women, they love it. It matters not if you can actually dance.

Oh, and if you have a head cold and drink too much and dance too much, you WILL feel like crap the next day.

Though, if you do that, please, please, be sure not to do it on an empty stomach as my dear Emily did. You'll REALLY pay for that the next day (someone, not me, spent several hours sleeping on the cold bathroom floor.)


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