Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Guy's Night Out

A bunch of my guy friends have an annual tradition. The night before New Year's Eve, we have a "guys dinner" at a local restaurant. Drinks at 6:30; dinner at 7:00. Tonight's that night.

We're all professionals, so we all generally show up after leaving the office, still wearing suits (ties have become rare the week between Christmas and New Years.)

I'm fairly certain, I'm the only one in the group, who will be wearing a girdle, panties, and stockings under my more masculine attire. Or any lingerie, for that matter.

So is you see a group of guys at dinner tonight, see if you can guess which one is the of the "suits" is also a sissy. Which one will go home and strip out of his suit and into a bra that matches his pretty peach girdle.

Which one, when he gets home, will have a significant other who asks, in a slightly mocking tone, "how was the guy's night out?"

That one would be me :)

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